Hedia brings in a new CCO from MedTech industry

Julia Abrams

Hedia continues to strengthen the company’s commercial competences ahead of the launch of a new and updated version of the Hedia Diabetes Assistant in England, Sweden and France, and brings in Julia Abrams, former GM Northwest Europe and SVP Diagnostics at Siemens Healthineers. 

Hedia stands strong with one newly acquired MDR certificate and a strategic partnership with the American company Glooko, which has integrated Hedia into their digital platform.

“We are ready to bring Hedia to the next level of the commercial phase and thus, we are happy that Julia has joined us,” says CEO Lars Christian Lund. “Julia contributes both with strong international commercial experience in the field of medical devices from world-leading Medtech as well as FMCG companies.”

As GM for Diagnostics in Northwest Europe, Julia Abrams had been in charge of the commercial success including a major transformation at Siemens Healthiness Diagnostics.

Julia Abrams says:

“Hedia is at an exciting point in their growth trajectory and the time for effective digital therapeutic solutions has never been better. Healthcare staffing shortages, digitalisation as well as financial strain on the healthcare system open up the opportunities for smart solutions such as the Hedia Diabetes Assistant.”

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